Bachelor’s Degree Program

Bachelor’s Degree Program


Pathways Through the FADIR Law School Curriculum




Skills and Competencies



Academic Calendar



Degree Program  [Back to top]

Degree: Bachelor’s Degree

Academic Award: Bacharelor of Laws 

Means of Learning: Face-to-face

Registration:  Each individual courses of the curriculum

Academic Year: In semesters

a) minimum CNE: 10 semesters;

b) maximum CNE: not set;

c) minimum UFMS: 10 semesters;

d) maximum UFMS: 16 semesters.

Minimum Total Workload:

a) CNE: 3.700 hours;

b) UFMS: 4.454 hours.

Number of places: 60 places per shift
Number of classes: Two classes per year
Shifts: Morning and afternoon and Saturday morning (MTSM); and Evening and Saturday morning and afternoon (NSMT).
Campus location: Cidade Universitária, s/nº, Caixa Postal 579, 79070-900 – Campo Grande/MS
Admission: Admission is by Unified Selection System (Sisu) of the Ministry of Education (MEC), in accordance with current legislation; internal relocation, national relocation and graduate application; and compulsory relocation. in accordance with the legislation in force.


Program Objectives  [Back to top]

The overall objective of FADIR Law Course seeks to ensure in the profile of the academic solid, general, humanistic and axiological education, with ability of analysis, mastering of concepts and legal terminology, proper argumentation, interpretation and appreciation of the legal and social phenomena, combined with a reflexive posture and vision necessary to practice the science of law, the provision of justice and the development of citizenship in accordance with the guidelines set forth by Resolution No. 9, CNE / CES, of 29.09.2004.

The specific objectives of FADIR Law Program are:

– Teaching committed to a consistent humanistic education based on ethics;

– Curricular improvement according to an interdisciplinary, reflexive, and holistic approach, not technology-centered, adequate to the social reality; use of methodology, teaching and evaluation technologies in tune with today’s sociability;

– Compliance with the constitutional principles regulating the national education in the administrative, political and cultural handling of the program;

– Education linked to local and regional realities, without losing sight of issues of national and international scope;

– Encouraging scientific research bringing together teaching, research and extension;

– Promotion of dialogue with diversity and minorities according to a vision of inclusion, cooperation and solidarity;

– Uncompromising defense of the rights of the person and citizen and of quality of life goals and social quality, with such rights and objectives being the guidelines on ethical and social professional training;

– Autonomous and democratic management in an administrative as well as pedagogical dimension;

– Promoting the participation of the university community in training, extension and process management programs;

– Promotion of qualification and commitment to improving working conditions, career and remuneration of teachers and administrators taking into account: the institution’s policies, the federal educational system and the Brazilian state; the demands of those involved and their unions policies; institutional needs;

– Professional training of the legal department (private lawyer and public prosecutor member, Judiciary or any field of knowledge that a bachelor in law can act), endowed with critical sense and technical-scientific knowledge guided by humanist basis, with the ability to respond to emerging social problems;

– Professional facing social facts, with the clear understanding of the legal dimension of the case, trying to solve it endowed with an ethical, social responsibility awareness and commitment to citizenship.


Career  [Back to top]

The desired profile of degree holders of the FADIR Law School was designed from UFMS goals, the PDI and obviously the program itself, given the peculiarities of today’s world, the labour market, socio-economic and technological changes and the new legislation governing the education of a bachelor in law.

These assumptions led the teaching staff of this FADIR Law Course to think about the education of public figures, citizens, professionals aware of their rights and duties, with wide and solid theoretical and practical, technical, legal and socio-political knowledge, able to cooperate and converse with professionals from other fields of knowledge.

Graduates of the offered course, built with a solid interdisciplinary approach, must necessarily come out capable of criticism with a constant concern to overcome stagnant and anachronistic paradigms. By combining legal disciplines with knowledge of political science, psychology, economics, ethics, philosophy and sociology in its Law Course, FADIR intends to educate multi-skilled professionals whose profile outlines are:

– Citizens aware of their role in society to which they belong to act in an ethical, competent, caring and critical fashion of professional performance, having assimilated the values recommended in the course where he or she graduated therefore sensitive to the rights of children and adolescents.

– Bachelors of law who can establish the relationship between theory and practice, a professional with skills and abilities to work in forensic legal field as well as work in the teaching profession by qualification in specialization and graduate courses;

– Bachelors of Law qualified enough to pass the Examination of OAB and advocate with criticism and socio-political awareness;

– Bachelors of law prepared to succeed in any job application for which the degree awarded by FADIR is required, being able to adequately perform the corresponding public functions;

– Graduates with interdisciplinary view of law adapting its vocational training to labour market needs and the various local, regional, national and international realities;

– Graduates with an interdisciplinary view of law, understanding it as a socio-political and ethical phenomenon and not just as a set of affirmed standards.


Skills and Competencies  [Back to top]

The graduate of the FADIR Law School in his or her professional practice should possess the following skills and competencies, established by Resolution No. 9/2004, CNE/CES, and still others considered by UFMS as essential:

– Reading, understanding and writing texts, acts and legal or normative documents, with proper use of technical and legal standards;

– Interpretation and application of law;

– Research and use of legislation, jurisprudence, doctrine and other sources of law;

– Appropriate technical and legal activities in different fora, administrative or judicial, for the proper use of processes, acts and procedures;

– Correct use of legal terminology or the science of law;

– Use of legal reasoning, argumentation, persuasion and critical reflection;

– Judgment and decision-making;

– Mastering of technologies and methods for permanent understanding and application of the law;

– Interdisciplinary understanding of the legal phenomena and social transformations;

– Understanding of causality and purpose of legal norms and the constant pursuit of the liberation of man and the improvement of society;

– Updated view of the world and, in particular, awareness of the problems of his or her time and his or her space.